Thursday, November 13, 2014


It is hard to believe the first quarter of school has come and gone.  I want thank the students, parents, teachers, and members of the community for making my first months at the Lawn School a terrific place to be.  As the busy school year continues I want to share with you some of my thoughts and resources I have come across.

Attendance: I have been thinking a lot about the importance of being in school and the impact absenteeism can have on learning.  Below is a link I thought was helpful when thinking about  
how we can all best support students with regular attendance.

PARCC: You may be well aware that this year we will be involved in PARCC testing in March and again in May.  This will be a change from NECAP done in previous years in that PARCC testing will be computer based.  8th grade students will still have NECAP testing in science in addition to doing math and ELA PARCC testing.  There is a lot to plan for but we are getting ready for the change! Below is a link that offers a wealth of information about PARCC. 

Aspen:  Report cards will be up on Aspen on Thursday, November 20th.  Be sure to check Aspen!

Thanks again!
Nate Edmunds